Adam de la Halle "the Hunchback" is justly the most famous composer of the late 13th century, and his greatest gift to posterity, Le Jeu de Robin et de Marion, is the first-ever opera - a pastoral romp brimming with delightful songs that so easily stand the test of over seven centuries. In this authentic yet innovative performance, the narrator (stage-right) tells the story in the original French dialect with his many voices - from coarse to courtly - while the singers move between a contemporary English interpretation (stageleft) and the timeless mediaeval lyrics and melodies of the super-troubadour himself."
PART: Fratres / St. John Passion / Berliner Messe (3CD)
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Halle, Adam de la
Halle: Le Jeu de Robin et de Marion
1 szt
58,00 zł
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