Von edler Art - Music for Keyboard and Plucked Instruments from 15th Century German Manuscripts
Gondko, Michał;
Marti, Corina
nr katalogowy
RAM 0802
Michal Gondko: "The music for keyboard and plucked string instruments of the 15th century is undoubtedly an exciting period in the early history of European instrumental music, but paradoxically it is rarely performed by interpreters and is therefore almost unknown to the general public. Many pieces have been recorded here for the first time."
Baroque Bass Cantatas from Central Germany: Emanuel Kegel (1655-1724), Christian Wolff (1705-1773), Johann Theodor Roemhildt, Hoffmann, Johann Gottfried Donati (1706-1782), Georg Philipp Telemann
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Von edler Art - Music for Keyboard and Plucked Instruments from 15th Century German Manuscripts
1 szt
79,00 zł
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