Praetorius: Von Allen Menschen Abgewandt-Organ Works
Berben, Léon;
Schwarz, Britta
nr katalogowy
RAM 0402
Johann Mattheson reports in 1740 that Praetorius von Sweelinck "... among others, grasped his very own finger guidance, which was otherwise unusual, but very good. Schultz took to the swelink mores and givers that were exceedingly pleasant and honorable; held the body without special movement, and gave his fine playing a prestige as if it were not work." In Praetorius' organ works, contrapuntal austerity is paired with virtuoso joy of playing. Matthias Weckmann was the most important of his pupils; in 1655 he was appointed organist at St. Jakobi's Church in Hamburg. Another well-known pupil was Berendt Petri (between 1594 and 1598 - ?).
Hassler: Ich gieng einmal spatieren - Keyboard works
RAM 0501
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Praetorius, Jacob
Praetorius: Von Allen Menschen Abgewandt-Organ Works
1 szt
79,00 zł
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