Graun's Passion Cantata, composed in 1755 to a text by Carl Wilhelm Ramler, enjoyed great popularity for about a century - comparable to the popularity of Bach's St. Matthew Passion today. In Berlin alone, this cantata was performed more than 40 times between 1798 and 1848, and there were no fewer than 120 performances throughout Germany. Graun, a pupil of the Dresden Kreuzschule, became tenor at the Braunschweig Opera in 1725 and vice-kapellmeister there in 1727. In 1753 he entered the service of the Prussian Crown Prince Frederick II and was quickly promoted to Kapellmeister at the Potsdam court; he retained this office until his death. He was one of the most important creators of the Berlin circle of composers, who developed a very individual Italian style.
Telemann: Musicalisches Lob Gottes - Cantatas; Fantasies for Viola da Gamba
CPO 555 387-2
Napisz recenzję dla: Graun: Der Tod Jesu - Passion Cantata
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Graun, Carl Heinrich
Graun: Der Tod Jesu - Passion Cantata
1 szt
58,00 zł
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