Stuttgarter Hymnus- Chorknaben;
Homburg, Rainer Johannes
nr katalogowy
MDG 902 2183-6
There is hardly a more perfect musical formula for the beginning of the Christmas season than the festively recited opening motif of Johann Sebastian Bach's Christmas Oratorio. But in his six cantatas, assigned to the individual holidays, the great Thomaskantor goes far beyond pure jubilation. Rainer Johannes Homburg and his Stuttgart Hymnus-Chorknaben have now given a new version of the "musical message" about the birth of Christ, supported by competent soloists and Handel's Company, whose baroque opulence is particularly well expressed in the three-dimensional sound of this Super Audio CD.
Machet die Tore weit, Christmas Choral Music by Hammerschmidt, Praetorius, Schmidt, Schütz, Brahms, Bach, ...
MDG 902 1725-6
Napisz recenzję dla: Bach: Christmas Oratorio
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Bach, Johann Sebastian
Bach: Christmas Oratorio
1 szt
129,00 zł
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