Ich bin die Auferstehung - Buxtehude and His Copenhagen Connections
pełny spis kompozytorów
Buxtehude, Dietrich;
Weckmann, Matthias;
Bruhns, Nicolaus;
Förster, Kaspar;
Meder, Johann Valentin;
Erben, Johann B.;
Kirchhoff, Anderas
Concerto Copenhagen;
Mortensen, Lars Ulrik;
Bloch Jespersen, Jakob
nr katalogowy
The music from the Baltic region in the latter half of the 17th century is characterized by fearless innovation and bubbling creativity. Here, a glimpse into the sacred solo cantata and chamber music of this period is presented by bass baritone Jakob Bloch Jespersen and Concerto Copenhagen under the direction of Lars Ulrik Mortensen
Times of Transition - Cello concertos by C.P.E. Bach and Haydn
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Ich bin die Auferstehung - Buxtehude and His Copenhagen Connections
1 szt
64,00 zł
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