"In her excellent book Soviet Film Music (1997), Tatyana Egorova condemns Shostakovich's Fall of Berlin as "distressing" and "sounding stiff and monotonous", since "the possibilities of development of the glorification theme were limited". Although not agreeing here, I accept, with Egorova, that two additional quotations from the "Leningrad" Symphony to this soundtrack (not included on this disc) are inadequate, but it may be possible that these sequences, partially edited in a rather primitive way as if taken from already existing tapes, were last-minute additions. Following some happy, Sibelius-like love music, the "Nazi machinery" episode of track 5 (Attack) is definitely inspired by the first movement of Symphony No. 7. The original soundtrack of The Fall of Berlin was played by the Ministry of Cinematography Orchestra, under the baton of Alexander Gauk." • Keith Anderson (Szostakowicz)
AURIC: Film music vol. 3 (Lola Montez, Notre-Dame de Paris, Farandole)
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Shostakovich, Dmitry
SHOSTAKOVICH: The Fall of Berlin, ...
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