"On an extraordinarily beautiful harpsichord by Jean-Henry Hemsch (1751), Frédérick Haas presents the suites 1 and 5 from the first book and the suites 6, 7 and 8 from the second book by François Couperin. He succeeds very well in the elegant, smoothly inegalating aspects of this demanding music, for example in the famous 'Baricades mistérieux' or the 'Bergeries' that follow immediately afterwards." • FonoForum 05 / 09
Couperin: Mass for the Parishes - Mass for the Convents
Napisz recenzję dla: COUPERIN: Pieces de clavecin des Livres I & II
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Couperin, François
COUPERIN: Pieces de clavecin des Livres I & II
1 szt
119,00 zł
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