Bates, David;
Summerly, Jeremy;
Royal Academy Consort;
Franklin-Kitchen, Elizabeth;
Lyon, Edward;
Ryan, Rebecca;
Tallis Chamber Choir;
Warden, Nicholas
nr katalogowy
Though he lived through some of the most tumultuous times in English history, from the reigns of Henry VII to Elizabeth I, Thomas Tallis (c. 1505-1585) composed music for both the Catholic and Anglican churches that resounds the world over to this day. Whether singing the monumental splendour of his famous 40-part motet Spem in alium or the intimate prayer I call and cry to thee, O Lord, the internationally renowned Oxford Camerata conducted by Jeremy Summerly are perfectly attuned to Tallis's timeless genius.
English English Madrigals and Songs from Henry VIII to the 20th Century
Napisz recenzję dla: THE BEST OF TALLIS
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Tallis, Thomas
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