Nodaira, Ichiro;
Osaka Century Orchestra;
Takaseki, Ken
nr katalogowy
Yoritsune Matsudaira was one of the greatest Japanese composers of the 20th century. His music won the respect of Messiaen and Takemitsu, and has been performed in Europe by many distinguished musicians. Matsudaira developed a distinctive, modern style of his own based on the ancient Japanese court music, Gagaku, in which various musical elements, including dance music (Bugaku) from Japan, China and Korea are brought together. Written in the late 1950s, U-Mai (Right Dance), Sa-Mai (Left Dance) and Danza Rituals e Finale, are presented on this recording in the form of a suite, following ancient Japanese tradition. In these works Matsudaira attempts to integrate Gagaku with the avant-garde techniques of Stockhausen and Boulez.
Works for String Orchestra – Benjamin, Stevens, Panufnik, Bax
REAM 1117
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Matsudaira, Yoritsune
MATSUDAIRA: Bugaku Dance Suite
1 szt
58,00 zł
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