Mozart: Complete Sonatas For Keyboard And Violin, Vol. 1
Podger, Rachel;
Cooper, Gary
nr katalogowy
CCS SA 21804
In recording these Mozart Sonatas, a paradox quickly became apparent. I feel Mozart’s music is aimed at the heart. Approaching his music instinctively comes mostnaturally to me: it seems so effortlessly composed, and communicates to us directly. After all, why do children react so positively to this music of the heart? And yet I alsofound my experience of performing Baroque music helped me find a way of understanding and appreciating Mozart’s style.The inclusion of early, middle and late Sonatas on this disc conveys a balanced survey of Mozart’s music for violin and keyboard. Each Sonata stands out clearly in it’s ownright, revealing a snapshot in time of his developing personality. This is an ongoing voyage of discovery for me, and I feel I am only at the beginning • Rachel Podger
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Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart: Complete Sonatas For Keyboard And Violin, Vol. 1
1 szt
89,00 zł
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