In 2004 a press release caused a stir on the early music scene: after 18 years, more than a thousand concerts all over the world and 16 CDs with a total sale of about 1.5 million copies, the paths of the four singers of the Ensemble Anonymous 4 parted in June 2004. Even then the artists promised to revive their work for individual projects. With Gloryland, that time has now come. •
On this CD, Anonymous 4 continues the path taken with American Angels to the roots of American vocal music. "One nation under God" - these words from the American Declaration of Independence illustrate the great role that faith plays in everyday life in the USA to this day. Unlike in Europe, the church in North America has never been an organ of authority; the New World rather became a place of refuge for many people threatened by religious persecution in Europe. Piety and a personal relationship with God became the backbone of religious practice here, and community life is still a natural part of public life in American society today. •
"The songs on Gloryland are full of images of the journey across the Jordan, images of birds and flying, of reaching and crossing the river. The narrators compare the soul to Noah's dull dove flying above the earth, looking for a resting place; they wish they had wings, would like to be a little swallow or fly to the other world on eagle wings; or they long to meet their loved ones on the riverbank and find green pastures beyond the river's shimmering shores."Marsha Genensky writes in the accompanying text and continues: "Most of these songs have themselves come a very long way through a wonderful web of oral and written tradition that has been cultivated over many generations. It is not always possible to tell which of them were newly composed and which were taken over by a singer or player and then arranged. But songs like Ecstasy or Saint's Delight sound equally familiar, whether they are sung in their shape-note setting or played by violin, guitar and mandolin" With the instrumentalists Darol Anger and Mike Marshall, Anonymous 4 has found ideal companions for their journey into the history of American folk music. Both artists enjoy great recognition as musicians and teachers in their home countries; their artistic community dates back to 1983.
Le Siècle De L'Ars Nova (A Revolution In The Late Middle Ages)
HMX 2908168
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