McFerrin, Bobby;
Rubens, Sibylla;
The Bulgarian Voices "Angelite";
Kennedy, Nigel;
Mari Boine & Band;
Wilhelm, Veronika;
Gewandhausorchester Leipzig;
The Kuumba Singers
nr katalogowy
On the summer night of June 15, 2002, more than 20,000 enthusiastic listeners experienced a unique encounter of classical, jazz and world music on the historic market square in Leipzig. 150 musicians from Europe, the USA and the Orien brought their individual "spirits of music" into this musical journey of discovery through the centuries and across the continents. Bobby McFerrin acted as Spiritus Rector - a cross-border artist between the musical genres: in addition to his unique solo improvisations, he conducted the renowned Gewandhaus Orchestra Leipzig in a charming and unconventional manner, welcoming the soprano Sybilla Rubens and the cellist Veronika Wilhelm as soloists. McFerrin found a congenial counterpart in the star violinist Nigel Kennedy, with whom he improvised on Miles Davis' All Blues.
Mozart: Symphony No. 38 “Prague” / Voříšek: Symphony in D major
ACC 30574
Napisz recenzję dla: SPIRITS OF MUSIC - B.McFERRIN ... vol. 2
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