Accentus Music presents with this latest release a recording of the Philharmonics, the ensemble founded by members of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. The most authentic old Viennese sounds were captured in one of the original settings of Viennese coffee house culture, Café Sperl: the Viennese waltzes by Johann Strauss, arranged by Arnold Schönberg, Alban Berg and Anton Webern. Ninety years after their premiere by the famous composers of the New Viennese School, The Philharmonics are reviving the fascinating arrangements with this recording. •
The unusual story of these Strauss waltz arrangements is told in the bonus material: In the autumn of 1918 Schönberg had founded the "Verein für musikalische Privataufführungen" (Association for Private Musical Performances), after his works, which were radical for their time, had been rather rejected by the public. The association quickly ran into financial difficulties. To save him from ruin, Schönberg and his pupils Berg and Webern offered a concert series with popular works of the time in May 1921, including arrangements of some Strauss waltzes. After all, it was the composers themselves who performed their arrangements: Berg on harmonium, Schönberg on violin and Webern on cello
BJORLING, Jussi: Bjorling Collection, Vol. 1: Opera and Operetta Recordings (1930-1938)
Napisz recenzję dla: Strauss: THE PHILHARMONICS
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Strauss, Johann
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