The meeting of Violin and Guitar was a marriage made in heaven, but it took a virtuoso master on BOTH instruments to turn it into a continental craze! And who was that master? Niccolo Paganini. Surprised? While known as a mysterious fiddler of near-supernatural abilities, it was said he was an even better guitarist! All told, Paganini penned dozens of sonatas, Grand Duos and extravagant sets of variations for the combination, not to mention trios and quartets. Four years after Paganini’s death in 1840, the Spanish virtuoso Martín Melitón Pablo de Sarasate y Navascués was born. Even though Sarasate composed no original works for guitar, the instrument’s sound, and the rhythms and melodies of Spain inspired every page of Sarasate’s music. Listening to Hannibal’s arrangements, you quickly forget the composer originally wrote the part for piano or orchestra! Joining Hannibal on this virtuoso voyage is longtime duo partner, the superstar violinist Kim Sjøgren. From 1980 to 1995, Kim and Hannibal, who toured as Duo Concertante, performed more than 1.000 concerts around Europe, and released ten CD’s. Three current program features newly remastered selection from two of those legendary albums!
Civitas Ensemble & Gipsy Way Ensemble - Alla Zingarese
CDR 90000179
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Paganini, Niccolo,
Sarasate, Pablo de
Sarasate & Paganini
1 szt
64,00 zł
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