Liszt: Historical Hungarian Portraits - Complete Piano Music Vol. 54
Jandó, Jenő
nr katalogowy
This latest album in the Complete Piano Music series of Franz Liszt is devoted to memorialising the dead. Historical Hungarian Portraits dates largely from 1885 and commemorates significant figures in the country’s recent past, including politicians, a poet and a musician. The mood is powerfully sombre. Liszt marked his son-in law Wagner’s death with Am Grabe R. Wagner (‘At the Grave of Richard Wagner’) using a theme from Parsifal. But the most intense and forward-looking of these pieces is Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen, a foretaste of the experimental piano writing to come.
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Liszt, Franz
Liszt: Historical Hungarian Portraits - Complete Piano Music Vol. 54
1 szt
58,00 zł
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