Josef Strauss, Johann Strauss, Johann Strauss II, Eduard Strauss I • The Vienna Johann Strauss Orchestra can rightly claim to be one of the most authentic ensembles for interpreting the music of the Strauss dynasty. Founded in 1966 in Vienna, the aim of the new orchestra was to cultivate both the music of the Strauss dynasty, as well as so-called 'light' Viennese music. This festive concert from the Golden Hall of the Musikverein Vienna is a musical journey across Austria and includes beautiful footage of the Austrian landscape and famous historical monuments, as well as short introductions by the conductor Johannes Wildner. Enjoy the magic of the music of the Strauss family and the accompanying impressions of Austria.
Strauss, Johann,
Strauss, Josef,
Strauss, Johann Jr
Strauss Family: Favourite Dances - Johann Strauss I & II, Josef Strauss
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A Musical Journey Across Austria
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