Although now faded into obscurity, Jacques Duphly was one of the most prominent French harpsichordists of his time, famed for his excellent teaching skills and known for his enviable connections with the French aristocracy. His keyboard works are a veritable treasure trove of music for harpsichord lovers; despite having been an organist in his youth, he soon realised that his talents lay with the smaller keyboard instrument, and he moved from Rouen to Paris to make best use of his skills. This release contains Duphly’s complete keyboard music in the form of four livres for the harpsichord, written between 1744 and 1768, a period that marked extensive change both in France and within Duphly’s music.
Bach: Cantatas, Motets & Organ Music (Deluxe Edition)
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Duphly, Jacques
Duphly: Complete Keyboard Music
1 szt
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