Giovanni Battista Dalla Gostena (1540-1593) was born in Genoa, Italy. He was a pupil of the renowned Flemish composer Philippe de Monte. He held the prestigious post of Maestro di Cappella at the San Lorenzo Cathedral in his native Genoa. He composed and published several sets of vocal madrigals. • Gostena’s 25 Lute Fantasies were published in Venice in 1599. The fantasies show evidence of profound instrumental knowledge and make extraordinary demands upon the performer, due in no small part to the complex polyphony borrowed from contemporaneous vocal and keyboard genres. • Elliot Simpson (born 1987) is one of the foremost lute players of the young generation. Recipient of the prestigious Huygens Grant from the Dutch government for his “extraordinary contribution to new music” he has given premieres of works by Gubaidulina, Finnissy, Zimmermann and Polansky.
Falla: Three Cornered Hat; Nights in the Gardens of Spain
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Dalla Gostena, Giovanni Battista
Dalla Gostena: 25 Lute Fantasies
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