This special edition commemorates Mieczysław Weinberg's centennial by highlighting a remarkable, rare four-sonata set for solo viola. Composed during Weinberg's later period, when his music suffered a sharp decline in popularity into eventual oblivion, these monumental sonatas have seen little daylight since conception, despite representing what conductor Thomas Sanderling rightfully regards as “Weinberg at his finest.” In addition to over 90 minutes of unique music— intensely vivid, warm, thought-provoking - this 2CD edition includes a special in-depth essay by Weinberg authority David Fanning, rare historical photographs (some never before published), inputs from several notable personalities and an essay by the performer.
Weinberg: Music for Solo Cello Vol. 1 - 24 Preludes, Solo Cello Sonata No. 1
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Weinberg, Mieczysław
Weinberg: Complete Sonatas for Solo Viola
1 szt
89,00 zł
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