To journey into these works is like taking a stroll in an imaginary, flourishing middle-age garden where a multitude of contained aromas blend together to surprise and prepare the beholder to refine his senses. Just as the host of unique species within create marvel, so one is struck by the eclecticism that is at the core of this collection, starting from the different textures of which the works are made. The internationally acclaimed young composer Carlo Forlivesi moves in a geographical and temporal space led by electronic, orchestral, chamber music and ethnic instruments, digging the past of the ancient Latin hymns, Bach and Haydn, and exploring a traditional culture completely different and far from ours like the Japanese one. Vivid, multi-faceted thoughts lie underneath this music and reflect Forlivesi’s attitude towards life: deeply curious, inspired to research, tireless traveller and cosmopolitan soul (just note the six different languages in which the compositions are titled).
Bach (Pergolesi): Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden; Fauré / Messager: Messe des pêcheurs de Villerville
ROP 6119
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Forlivesi, Carlo
Forlivesi: Compositions
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58,00 zł
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