HEINRICH BACH • JOHANN CHRISTOPH BACH • JOHANN MICHAEL BACH • JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH • Having recorded the complete motets composed by the ancestors of Johann Sebastian Bach (RIC 347), Vox Luminis now tackles their complete spiritual concerts and sacred cantatas, in which the instruments – particularly the strings – play a highly important role. In the cantata for the Feast of St Michael the Archangel by Johann Christoph Bach, trumpets and drums are enlisted to evoke the battle of the archangels in heaven. To round off this programme, Vox Luminis presents the cantata Christ lag in Todesbanden by Johann Sebastian Bach, in its original version dating from his Arnstadt period, containing copious elements linking it to the music of his forebears.
WYCOFANE The Flemish Polyphony - polifonia flamandzka 15 wieku
RIC 102
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Bach Family: Kantaten
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