Yehuda Inbar was born in Haifa, Israel, in 1987. As an avid champion of contemporary music, he commissioned Michael Finnissy to complete Schubert’s Sonata Reliquie D 840, premiered the piece in May 2017 and recorded it for the first time for this CD. • The highly interesting programme is complemented by the Schubert Reminiscences by Jörg Widmann, the original Reliquie and the unfinished Sonata D 571.
Beethoven, Ludwig van,
Schubert, Franz,
Grieg, Edvard
Beethoven/Schubert/Grieg: Violin Sonatas
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Schubert, Franz
Schubert: Unfinsihed Sonatas
1 szt
58,00 zł
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