Michael Praetorius is actually the ultimate Christmas composer, as anyone will know who has ever sung »Es ist ein Ros entsprungen«, his four-voice work which has now become inseparable from the melody. The Bremer Barock Consort under the direction of Manfred Cordes now plays further charming scores for the Advent and Christmas period with widely varying instrumentations. Pieces were selected from the collections Musae Sioniae V and VI, the Hymnodia Sionia and Eulogodia and combined with great versatility. We hear German and Latin compositions for anything from two voices to two choirs, simple cantata-like movements alongside rhythmically intricate passages with magnificent, sonorous vocal timbres, also organ sounds: everything is there.
Music of Hanseatic Cities Vol. 2 - Music from old Gdańsk
CPO 555 647-2
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Praetorius, Michael
Praetorius: Advent and Christmas Music
1 szt
58,00 zł
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