Praetorius, Michael;
Moritz Landgraf von Hessen;
Brade, William;
Simpson, Thomas;
Grabbe, Johann
Cordes, Manfred;
Weser-Renaissance Bremen
nr katalogowy
CPO 555 265-2
This year the WESER-RENAISSANCE of Bremen and its conductor Manfred Cordes are celebrating their twenty-fifth anniversary, and we’re proud and happy to have released more than twenty-five CDs by this ensemble on cpo. The result is highly interesting historically as well as always fascinating musically. We extend our congratulations and in keeping with the occasion are releasing a box of four CDs entitled Renaissance im Norden (Renaissance in the North) and featuring music by various composers who were active at the courts of the WESER-RENAISSANCE and masterpieces offering magnificent splendor as well as very filigree moments.
Music of Hanseatic Cities Vol. 2 - Music from old Gdańsk
CPO 555 647-2
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The Renaissance in the North
1 szt
99,00 zł
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