Satie, Erik; Piccinini, Alessandro; Kapsberger, Giovanni Girolamo

Calling the Muse - old & new pieces for theorbo

Helstroffer, Bruno;
Standley, Rosemary;
Godard, Michel;
Evci, Emek
nr katalogowy
Alpha 429
Traveling with Theorbe" In Theorbist Bruno Helstroffer's album Blues, Rock and Early Music blend together to reflect the thousands of kilometres the musician has covered with his instrument, but also the cities, the landscapes, the skies, the light, the scents - but above all the people.
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Calling the Muse - old & new pieces for theorbo

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Klienci, którzy kupili ten produkt, kupili również

Bach, Johann Sebastian

BACH: Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue, Partita No. 4, English Suite No. 3


Gluck, Christoph Willibald

Gluck: Orphee et Eurydice

NBD 0100 V

Beethoven, Ludwig van

Beethoven: Piano Sonatas Vol. 2

ORC 100119

Piazzolla, Astor

Quatrocientas Estaciones de Ástor Piazzolla

ANI 092-2

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, Tchaikovsky, Piotr

Mozart: Symphony No. 40; Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6

ACC 20445

Beethoven, Ludwig van

BEETHOVEN: Piano Trios vol. 2


Schubert, Franz

Schubert: Die Schöne Müllerin, Schwanengesang, Winterreise

ORC 100034

Fux, Johann Joseph

Fux: Arias for the Emperor

PC 10425

Weiss, Silvius Leopold

WEISS: Sonatas for Lute Vol. 4


Beethoven, Ludwig van

Beethoven: Piano Trios Vol. 5 - Archduke Piano Trio, Kakadu Variations


Marcley/Sharp: High Noon

INT 063

Scarlatti, Alessandro

Scarlatti: 12 Sinfonie di concerto grosso


Tchaikovsky, Piotr

Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6 'Pathétique' & Romeo and Juliet

Alpha 782

Reicha, Anton

REICHA: Wind Quintets


Gheorghe Zamfir: Flute De Pan Et Orgue Vol. 2

PL 221798

Pozostałe płyty tego kompozytora

Satie, Erik

Satie: Oeuvres pour guitare

PTY 106415

różni kompozytorzy

WYCOFANY Oscillations – Ligeti, Glass, Satie, Nyman …

PTY 815135

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Satie, Erik

Satie: Piano Works Vol. 4


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BERCEUSE: Music of Peace ...


Satie, Erik

Satie: Complete Piano Works Vol. 4

GP 823

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Into the Woods

LBM 050

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Love & Lament

CCS 17098

różni kompozytorzy

Amori e Sospiri

SY 04211

różni kompozytorzy

Colores del Sur - Baroque Dances for Guitar

GCD P33301

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WYCOFANY Resonances - Paris 1900: Debussy, Ravel, Saint-Saëns, Satie

HMX 2908560.61

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A Bride's Guide to Wedding Music


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SONATA - Classical Favourites for Relaxing and Dreaming


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A Lily Among Thorns

SU 4317-2

różni kompozytorzy

Lockdown Blues


Pozostałe płyty tego wykonawcy

Dowland, John

Chevallier / Dowland - A Game of Mirrors

CD 16302

Biondini/Godard/Niggli: What Is There What Is Not

INT 185

Schubert, Franz

Schubert in Love (LP version)

Alpha 865

Standley, Rosemary: A Queen of Hearts

JV 570127.28

Purcell, Henry, Lawes, William, Campion, Francois

Love I Obey – Lawes, Campion, Henry VIII, Purcell

Alpha 538

RAVA: Carmen

LB 6579

Monteverdi, Claudio

Monteverdi - a trace of grace

CD 16286

różni kompozytorzy

De Profundis - GODARD, SANTANA, GRANDI, ...

CD 16274

Farjot, Johan

Farjot: Lovescapes

Alpha 787

Pierre Favre: Souffles

INT 049

WYCOFANY Rabih Abou-Khalil Hungry People

WV 479078

Schubert, Franz

Schubert in Love

Alpha 418

Niggli/ Godard/ Biondini: Mavì

INT 226

Monteverdi, Claudio

WYCOFANY (zdublowana) Monteverdi - a trace of graceAA


różni kompozytorzy, Satie, Erik

Calling the Muse - old & new pieces for theorbo

Alpha 391