:William Byrd (ca. 1540-1623) is probably the best known representative of the so-called English virginalists. At a time when instrumental music was finally liberating itself from its attachment to vocal music, he was one of the first English composers to write pure music for keyboard instruments. Partly still clearly committed to the Renaissance, his works still have a distinctly polyphonic, contrapuntal structure, but there are already modern elements committed to the early Baroque. These express themselves in his preference for the variation form of the Grounds, virtuosity and unexpected harmonies. Once again Gustav Leonhardt, the grand seigneur of the harpsichord, proves his undisputed mastery in the interpretation of Willam Byrd's harpsichord music.
Die Ahrend & Brunzema Orgel - Amsterdam's Oude Kerk: Scheidemann, van Noordt, Sweelinck, Scheidt
TB 570001
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Byrd, William
Byrd: Harpsichord Music
1 szt
42,00 zł
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