Markull: Organ Works Vol. 2 - Musica Baltica Vol. 3
Szadejko, Andrzej
nr katalogowy
MDG 906 2048-6
Arp Schnitger is buried in the Hamburg-Neuenfelde Church, and it is in this uniquely preserved sacred structure from the High Baroque that we find the largest instrument from his workshop, an organ with a Rückpositiv and two manuals. Hilger Kespohl is now presenting this exquisite instrument for the first time after the magnificent restoration of this historical monument, and his program features the music of another famous Baroque Hamburg resident: Matthias Weckmann, who like no other composer between Schütz and Bach succeeded in drawing on the immense variety of European musical styles in order to develop his very own tonal idiom.
Mohrheim: Cantatas & Arias - Musica Baltica Vol. 10
MDG 902 2254-6
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Markull, Friedrich Wilhelm
Markull: Organ Works Vol. 2 - Musica Baltica Vol. 3
1 szt
72,00 zł
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