This eleventh disc in the Naxos Moiseiwitsch Edition is devoted specifically to acoustic and electrical recordings of music by Chopin made from the beginning of the legendary pianist’s career. It begins with his first published recording, Chopin’s Berceuse, Op. 57, made on 10th May 1916 (Track 1). By the time Moiseiwitsch recorded the Impromptu in F sharp, Op. 36 in September 1921, he had made his début in America and was a well-established and respected artist. Interestingly, take seven, which was issued in Britain, is some ten seconds shorter than take six which was issued in America. Both may be heard here for comparison (Tracks 6 and 7). Moiseiwitsch’s first recording sessions using the superior electrical process were made in October 1925 but nothing was issued. From the session of 10th December, however, come his first electrical recordings of Chopin in the form of the Scherzo in B flat minor, Op. 31 (Track 11). The improvement in sound quality is immediately noticeable
Mussorgsky, Modest,
Brahms, Johannes,
Schumann, Robert
SCHUMANN: Kinderszenen / MUSORGSKY: Pictures at an Exhibition (Moiseiwitsch, Vol. 1) (1927-1945)
Napisz recenzję dla: chopin: Piano Works / Moiseiwitsch
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Chopin, Fryderyk
chopin: Piano Works / Moiseiwitsch
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