Barcelona Symphony and Catalonia National Orchestra;
González, Pablo
nr katalogowy
We can never have too many fine recordings of this perennially fresh music, but you’d be surprised just how few releases contain the complete Carmen and L’Arlésienne suites. Most leave something out, rearrange the order of movements, or otherwise play with what Bizet/Guiraud wrote. That makes this newcomer especially welcome: you get the full package. You’ll find the first Carmen suite suprising. It begins with the “fate” music, and ends with the movement we’re used to hearing at the start: the toreador’s march and bullfight fiesta. Between the two suites, all of the opera’s big tunes turn up, and they are played with genuine gusto here.
Balada: Symphony No. 6; Concerto for Three Cellos; Steel Symphony
Napisz recenzję dla: Bizet: Carmen Suites; L’Arlésienne Suites
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Bizet, Georges
Bizet: Carmen Suites; L’Arlésienne Suites
1 szt
58,00 zł
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