Herreweghe, Philippe;
Orchestre des Champs-Elysées
nr katalogowy
HMA 1902011
Nakład wyprzedany, ostatni egzemplarz "Of course: You shouldn't play a symphony i'd like to hear about the end. But in this case, there is one exception allowed, because here, at the end of this sounding Colossus, that place occurs which the hearer when the whipped up Conclusion, favoured by the outstandingly transparent The sound of the horns screaming. Characteristic of Herreweghe's reading, which in spite of its magnificent The rhetoric of the individual voices, except for the Eight lets. "Talking", one has this probably rarely i've heard. In the second movement Herreweghe holds his musicians to a veryend yearning for forward momentum under the Surface, paired with a glowing ruby tone, the blossoming melody - beautiful to die for! - almost a little Brahms-like." • FonoForum 05 / 09
WYCOFANY Resonances - Music at Westminster: From Tallis to Britten
HMX 2908552.53
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Bruckner, Anton
Bruckner: Symphonie Nr. 5
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