Instrument:Piacentini-Battani organ of 1885 in the Chiesa del Santo Sepolcro in Cagliari
Francesca Ajossa, young and talented organist from Cagliari by the sophisticated technical and musical skills is the protagonist of this album entirely devoted to the music of the nineteenth century in Sardinia; a unique territory, so particular for its beauty and millennial history where music always occupied a prominent place. The few sources remained to witness the organ literature of the time show a unique fusion of influences of northern Italy, Lombardy and Piedmont organ school (mainly in large urban centers) with the ancient Sardinian folk tradition (passed down orally) that in the rural area outside the city consistently permeated church music. The release can also be considered as a opera omnia of the nineteenth century Sardinian music (as no other handwritten or printed sources could be found).
Reznicek: Symphonische Suite No. 1; Traumspiel-Suite; Karneval-Suite
CPO 555 056-2
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Organ Music in 19th-Century Sardinia
1 szt
58,00 zł
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