Bach & Vivaldi: For Mandolin - Virtuoso concertos transcribed for mandolin orchestra
Mandolin Orchestra Mauro e Claudio Terroni
nr katalogowy
CDS 7787
This programme features some of the best-known works by Johann Sebastian Bach and Antonio Vivaldi in original transcriptions for mandolin orchestra. They are mostly concertos written originally for one or more violins, accompanied by a string orchestra and basso continuo. In these transcriptions, both the solo part and the orchestra have been replaced by mandolins. The resulting tone colours are quite unusual and truly fascinating. The technical skill of the soloists, who often adopt virtuoso tempi, plus the elegance and good taste of the arrangements, make this CD programme a unique listening experience.
Bach, Johann Sebastian,
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus,
Kreisler, Fritz
Fritz Kreisler: Complete Concerto Recordings Vol.3
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Bach, Johann Sebastian,
Vivaldi, Antonio
Bach & Vivaldi: For Mandolin - Virtuoso concertos transcribed for mandolin orchestra
1 szt
64,00 zł
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