Instrument: Historic organ of the Basilica of Sant Jaume, Vila-real
The organ music of Jona (or Juan) Cabanilles is virtuosic and colorfully Baroque, and touched with a distinctively Spanish intensity. Cabanilles is claimed as the most prolific of all composers for the organ and publication of his works, begun in 1927, have not caught up with his output yet. The surviving Cabanilles manuscripts can be seriously corrupt, requiring extensive editing and sometimes even detailed recomposition. This recording uses a number of new editions to present the music as never heard before, as close as possible to what teh composer might hav eintended. Timothy Roberts studied with Christopher Kite and Jill Severs, also receiving master-class tuition from Kenneth Gilbert and Gistav Leonhardt. He worked for over thirty years as a touring keyboardist. In recent years, Roberts has gained experience as a recording engineer and sound editor.
Muzyka klasyczna
Toccata Classics
data wydania
EAN / kod kreskowy
Produkt nagrodzony:
MusicWeb International: 'Recording of the Month' (2017)
Lawes: Consort Music for Viols, Lutes and Theorbos
Napisz recenzję dla: Cabanilles: Keyboard Music Vol. 1
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Cabanilles: Keyboard Music Vol. 1
1 szt
58,00 zł
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