Let's Dance! is a brand new series from the historic French record label Le Chant du Monde - the oldest French label in existence, founded in 1938. Let's Dance! is a series of 10 3xCD box sets, each devoted to a particular style/genre of dance. With 60 carefully selected tracks per volume, these sets provide great value as well as exemplary listening. Each set is packaged in a 'clamshell' box with eye-catching cover. Whether as stand-alone purchases or as a diverse and eclectic 10 volume anthology, Let's Dance! is sure to appeal to the huge audience inspired by a certain prime-time TV show. Let's Dance! - Salsa includes tracks by Tito Puente, Eddie Palmieri, Mongo Santamaria, Celia Cruz, Ray Barretto, Bebo Valdes and many more.
Anderson: Heaven is shy of Earth; The comedy of change
ODE 1313-2
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Let's DANCE! - Salsa
1 szt
52,00 zł
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