Bayerisches Staatsorchester;
Hanus, Tomas
nr katalogowy
This highly acclaimed production from the Bayerische Staatsoper, a powerful and fascinating re-interpretation of Dvořák’s fairy-tale opera Rusalka, was a revelation: the young, up-and-coming Latvian soprano, Kristīne Opolais, whose performance was rightly hailed by the press as “one of the most vivid and striking accomplishments seen on an opera stage in a long time” (Vienna’s leading daily Der Standard). With her supple and velvety soprano voice, her captivating physical beauty and her hauntingly moving stage presence, Kristīne Opolais perfectly embodies the role of the water nymph who becomes a human being in order to find love.
Richter: Leçons des ténèbres - The Lamentations of Jeremiah
CYP 1624
Napisz recenzję dla: Dvorak: Rusalka
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Dvorak, Antonin
Dvorak: Rusalka
1 szt
120,00 zł
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