Bruine, Frank de;
Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century
nr katalogowy
GCD 921123
The first recorded result of the new post-Brüggen era is this Mozart CD with a programme centred on the oboe, which has been devised by the longstanding orchestra member, Frank de Bruine. Mozart has been central to the Orchestra’s musicmaking and the composer made many friends with wind players – including oboists – and wrote abundantly for them. De Bruine is himself the soloist in the C major Oboe Concerto (the original version of the Flute Concerto, KV 314) and is present in two chamber pieces, the F major Oboe Quartet, KV 370 and the D major Divertimento, KV 251 as well as the concert aria, “Vorrei spiegarvi, oh Dio!”, KV 418 which involves soprano Dutch Lenneke Ruiten.
WYCOFANY Beethoven: The Symphonies, Live from Rotterdam,2011
GCD 921116
Napisz recenzję dla: Mozart: The Oboe Concerto & other works for oboe
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Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart: The Oboe Concerto & other works for oboe
1 szt
68,00 zł
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