Bauer, Julia;
Beermann, Frank
nr katalogowy
CPO 777972
New Recording of Khachaturian's Complete Symphonies This month we are launching our new Khachaturian edition featuring his complete symphonies. Vol. 1 focuses on his magnificently dimensioned Symphony No. 2, which functions as a heroic, Soviet »War Symphony.« Unlike his other two symphonies, this one has a classical structure in four movements and a language that is easy to understand and almost programmatic and didactic. Even though the work first and foremost is distinguished by pathos, it nevertheless displays a master's hand in its rhythmic and tonal design. The symphony owes its popular name, the »Bell Symphony, « to the forceful, dissonant opening measures recurring in some passages of the first movement and at the end of the last movement. The symphony is presented in combination with the three Concert Arias of 1946. The soprano Julia Bauer interprets a highly poetic declaration of love, a tragic legend, and in the third song (»O don't fly away, you songs!«) music itself is the theme. The vocal rendering of the songs, fleeting and transitory, nevertheless makes a lasting impression.
Nicolai: Die Heimkehr des Verbannten, Opera in 3 acts
CPO 777 654-2
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Khachaturian, Aram
Khachaturian: Symphony No. 2
1 szt
58,00 zł
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