The Band of the Grenadier Guards came to be in 1685, “born” of a royal warrant the same year as J.S. Bach and Handel. The Guards themselves trace their origin back to the exile of King Charles II when they were formed to be his bodyguard.The title track was composed by Adela Verne, one of the period’s virtuoso pianists, and although the march takes its name from the late Queen Mother rather than the reigning Queen Elizabeth, BMMA felt it appropriate to look forward to the Queen’s Birthday Parade in June.Other commemorative works on the album include Edward German’s Coronation March and Hymn, composed for King George V’s 1911 coronation, and an arrangement of Rimsky-Korsakov’s Russian Easter Festival Overture, dedicated to the memory of this fellow composers Mussorgsky and Borodin.In international music of a different kind, Mayhew Lester Lake’s Evolution of Dixie reels the famous American tune through a variety of styles, including the minuet and ragtime, before reaching a finale in the style of grand opera,mixing Dixie with music from Wagner’s Tannhäuser.
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H.M. Queen Elizabeth's March
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