Polish-American pianist and composer Leopold Godowsky was acknowledged as one of the great virtuosi of his time. The Six Pieces for the Left Hand Alone were all written for distinguished pianists—Dmitri Tiomkin, Jossef Lhévinne, Ernest Hutcheson, Alexander Siloti, Gottfried Galston and Emile-Robert Blanchet—and are supreme examples of the genre. Godowsky’s transcriptions and arrangements transform familiar originals into pianistic showpieces, reflecting his breadth of taste and the demands of his audiences. This thrilling programme concludes with a substantial and intricately interwoven medley of themes from Strauss’s operetta Die Fledermaus.
Godowsky: Piano Music Vol. 11 - Gypsy Baron Symphonic Metamorphoses
Napisz recenzję dla: Godowsky: Piano Music Vol. 13
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Godowsky, Leopold
Godowsky: Piano Music Vol. 13
1 szt
58,00 zł
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