Abos: A Maltese Christmas - Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel; Magnificat; Messa a due cori
Kölner Akademie;
Willens, Michael Alexander
nr katalogowy
CPO 777 978-2
From a performance at the 2015 Valletta International Baroque Festival in Malta, this live performance of the engaging Cologne-based choir and orchestra Die Ko¨lner Akademie led by Michael Alexander Willens aims to refocus attention on the little known Malta born Naples based late Baroque composer Girolamo Abos. The engaging performances of these Maltese Christmas masses with Die Kölner’s impeccable attention to detail bring new attention to this seldom recorded composer whose works are characterized by elegantly constructed forms and spirited contrapuntal thoroughbass that on this collection approach a level of revelation.
Agricola, Johann Friedrich,
Homilius, Gottfried August
Agricola & Homilius: Die Auferstehung des Erlösers - Easter Cantatas
CPO 555 332-2
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Abos, Girolamo
Abos: A Maltese Christmas - Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel; Magnificat; Messa a due cori
1 szt
58,00 zł
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