The ensemble Nachtmusique of the clarinettist Eric Hoeprich typically draws its members from the wind section of the Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century (directed, until his death in August 2014, by Frans Brüggen). Quite probably the leading specialists today in Harmoniemusik – the genre so fashionable in Vienna and its surrounding area as the eighteenth century turned into the nineteenth – these musicians, here operating as a sextet and playing delightfully sounding original instruments, give us an entire disc devoted to the Bohemian composer Franz Krommer, with music full of vibrancy and humour.
Weber: The Clarinet Concertos; Kurpiński: Clarinet Concerto
GCD 921128
Napisz recenzję dla: Krommer: Wind Sextets
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Krommer, Franz
Krommer: Wind Sextets
1 szt
45,00 zł
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