Rotem: Quia Amore Langueo, motety i sceny skomponowane w stylu XVII w. muzyki włoskiej
Profeti della Quinta
nr katalogowy
PC 10321
Quia Amore Langueo furthers the idea of composing new music in the historical musical language of the early Italian Baroque, the aim to create a new work of art by applying certain Early Music practices and by approaching the zeitgeist of this epoch.This collection, partly inspired by Monteverdi and Rossi, presents motets inspired by the intimate and amorous madrigal genre as well as two pieces in the dramatic style of the genere rappresentativo.The motets set texts from the Song of Songs; the dramatic scenes depict the dark love tales of Amnon & Tamar (Samuel II), and Samson & Delilah (Judges).
Rotem: Rappresentatione di Giuseppe e i suoi fratelli - Joseph and his brethren
PC 10302
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Rotem: Quia Amore Langueo, motety i sceny skomponowane w stylu XVII w. muzyki włoskiej
1 szt
68,00 zł
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