Orchestra and Chorus of Teatro Lirico di Cagliari;
Bramall, Anthony
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The important German ethnomusicologist Felix Karlinger was one of the authors of "Music in History and the Present". In the first edition of this reference work he wrote one of the most important research texts on the Sardinian composer Ennio Porrino. Porrino's opera "I Shardana" was described by Karlinger as "...the most important Italian opera composed in the post-war period" "I Shardana" deals with the subject of Sardinian early history. But one quickly notices that the composer's time in the libretto coded reflects. Ennio Porrino, who had studied with none other than Ottorino Respighi, set astonishingly modern standards in "I Shardana" Singing parts on an orchestral canvas with a late romantic tradition. This results in a musical interplay that is not dissimilar to the work of Porrino's contemporary Gian Francesco Malipiero.
WYCOFANY Campra: Le Carnaval de Venise, Opéra-ballet, Paris 1699
GCD 921622
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Porrino, Ennio
Porrino: I Shardana
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