Herr ich lasse dich nicht - Dialogus inter Christum and fi delem animam - Nichts soll un scheiden von der Liebe Gottes - Ich halte es dafr - Ich suchte des Nachts - O clemens, o mitis, o caelestis Pater - An Filus no est Dei - Mein Herz ist bereit - Drei schne Dinge sind - Ich bin eine Blume zu Saron - Wenn ich, Herr Jesu, habe dich - Jesu, meine Freud und Lust - Laudate pueri Dominum - Gen Himmel zu dem Vater mein - Singet dem Herrn - Klag-Lied Greta de REYGHERE, Agnes MELLON sopranos - Henri LEDROIT, James BOWMAN, counter-tnors - Guy DE MEY, Ian HONEYMAN, tnors - Max VAN EGMOND, bass. In 1987, the occasion of the 350th anniversary of the birth of Buxtehude, Ricercar published a first disc devoted to his cantatas. Subsequently the collection of German Baroque Cantatas was enriched by other works of the great composer. In this year of the tercentenary of his death, here is a reissue of this selection that gives a fairly complete idea of the different styles that, starting from the legacy of his master Tunder, announce the compositions of the generation of Bach. Using Latin and German texts, these spiritual concerts are both emotionally (or even theatrically) remarkable for vocal writing and the complicity of the instrumental parts with those of the singers.
Telemann: A Portrait - koncerty, suity, sonaty, wokalne utwory religijne
RIC 375
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Buxtehude, Dietrich
Buxtehude: Kantaten
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