Nakład wyprzedany, ostatnie 2 egzemplarze Almost 40 years ago Djamchid Chemirani (1942 in Tehran born) his first solo recording for harmonia mundi and went his own way - with the sons Keyvan and Bijan at his Page. Each of them gathered their experiences, explored different worlds of sound, perfected his musical craft. But again and again they returned to their great common Project back: the effort to create a universal rhythmic Language. Dawâr is at the end of this process: Never before the chemiranis have such clarity of sound from the fusion of their three attacks. Through consciousness the joy of the work produced together will give them that spiritual experience, which is so deeply rooted in Iranian culture is rooted • With "Latitudes" Harmonia mundi starts a new series, which is "Classical Music of the World". The renewal work, which the label has been offering for many decades in the field of classical music continues the new series with musicians, who are of traditional music and at the same time take a new look at the on their art. The "Latitude" series will be launched in autumn 2015 with a recording of Wang Li and Wu Wei (jew's harp and sheng) and with a CD by Jean-Guihen Queyras (cello) and members of the Trio Chemirani.
Scott: Six Song-Cycles for Baritone and Chamber Ensemble
TOCC 0619
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Dawar, muzyka perska
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