Without Johann Adam Hiller's adaptation Pergolesi's Stabat Mater probably never would have attained the popularity it enjoys today. Moreover, the fact that Hiller rescued from oblivion what today is a universally recognized masterpiece can be experienced in its full splendor on this latest recording by the Hymnus Choirboys of Stuttgart. Hiller was very careful when it came to intervening in Pergolesi's composition. Wind instruments are added, harmonies are reinforced here and there, and a few solo parts are also scored for male voices. The additional color very much corresponded to the taste of the times. Hiller's own compositions are mostly forgotten today - entirely unjustly so, as the impressive Stuttgart interpretation of his Psalm 100 proves.
Fishcer: Missa St. Michaelis Archangeli, Missa in Contrapuncto
MDG 905 1477-6
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Hiller, Johann Adam
Hiller: Stabat Mater (Pergolesi) Psalms
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