One of the leading composers of the Classical and early Romantic eras, Johann Baptist Van?hal played a vital role in the development of Viennese music between 1750 and 1780. He composed prolifically in many genres, including a large number of quartets, symphonies, sacred works, vocal and instrumental works, including around 150 piano sonatas and sonatinas. Van?hal was at his most inspirational and improvisational in his keyboard Capriccios composed in the 1780s, which are some of the most creative examples of the Viennese Classical style, not least in their almost symphonic force.
Dittersdorf: Ovid Sonatas for Fortepiano, Four Hands
Napisz recenzję dla: Vanhal: Keyboard Capriccios
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Vanhal, Johann Baptist
Vanhal: Keyboard Capriccios
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