The musics of Luigi Nono and Wolfgang Rihm have often been linked. Nonos late style, a world of sharply-etched, strikingly sparse sound forms set against a background of silence, made a deep impression on his younger colleague, whose works from the mid-1980s onwards show the clear imprint of the Italian masters visionary clarity. •
This recording of works for differing ensembles of solo voices shows another trait the two hold in common: a passionate engagement with their fellow humanbeings, giving rise to a music of searing and shocking directness. The human soul stripped to a mouth, a mouth opened in transcendental suffering - of the relatives of the disappeared in Argentina, of Jesus on the Cross - or closed in defiant compassion for the victims of AIDS. A mouth that can also sing of the violent cataclysms of creative ecstasy and the quiet lyricism of a peaceful Utopia. •
Recorded over a period of five years, EXAUDIs new disc is a labour of love, featuring music that has been part of the ensembles lifeblood since its foundation, each performance thoroughly embedded in heart and voice before being committed to disc. We hope that the results succeed in showing these varied and remarkable works, which we love deeply, in a new and clearer light.
WYCOFANY Generation Harmonia Mundi - The Family Spirit, 1988 / 2018
HMX 2908920.37
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Rihm, Wolfgang,
Nono, Luigi
Rihm & Nono: Passion Texts
1 szt
79,00 zł
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