Bayerisches Staatsorchester;
Nagano, Kent
nr katalogowy
DVD 2072444
With this wonderful production, Mozart's ''Munich'' opera returns to the place where it was first performed in 1781, the lovingly restored Cuvillies Theatre, a veritable jewel of Rococo architecture. In Dieter Dorn's production, the characters are real people of flesh and blood, their emotions and conflicts intelligible to every member of the audience. • The cast includes some of the finest Mozart singers of our day, headed by the British tenor John Mark Ainsley in the title role, while Kent Nagano in the orchestra pit appears to unleash an elemental force of nature.
Clérambault: Miserere; Couperin: Leçons de Ténèbres
Alpha 957
Napisz recenzję dla: Mozart: Idomeneo
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Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart: Idomeneo
1 szt
110,00 zł
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